ZOOM Nitro Gamification

Gaming in the Workplace

It’s scientifically proven—the desire to achieve drives productivity. Game-based engagement makes work more enjoyable through instant rewards, gratification, motivation, and feedback.

 ZOOM Drive-Thru Timer display

of employees are more productive when they use gamification. 1

HME CLOUD interface on desktop computer and on a smartphone

increase in employee engagement with game-based motivation. 1

HME Drive-Thru Leaderboard interface

of Forbes Global 2000 companies use gamification to boost retention, engagement, and revenues. 2

Because Everyone Wants to Be #1

A great customer experience starts with a motivated team. Make every shift enjoyable and keep your team focused on improving service goals. ZOOM Nitro Gamification taps into our natural desire for competition and achievement, making drive-thru performance more exciting for your team. The result? An engaged team, faster service times, and superior customer service.

Unleash the Monster Within

Say hello to your new avatar. Your store’s zeal, grit, and drive brought to life. Don’t let the friendly appearance fool you. There’s no stopping these monsters’ drive to win.

Next Level Competition


Increasing Car Counts Has Never Been This Much Fun

ZOOM Nitro Gamification uses game psychology to make the day-to-day restaurant routine engaging. Crews find it exciting to work together toward one common mission—to be the best! Fuel your team’s competitive spirit and motivate them to provide faster service and maximize car counts.

 ZOOM Drive-Thru Timer display


Lunch throwdown, anyone? The store with the highest car counts at the end of the lunch daypart wins. Create your own multi-store matchups, scheduled in advance or on the spot. Contests are very popular among crews, don’t be surprised when managers ask when the next one will take place!

HME CLOUD interface on desktop computer and on a smartphone


Earn a trophy for being the fastest store of the month or make remarkable progress and get a badge for being the most improved. Awards promote a feeling of accomplishment and motivate your crew to meet and surpass store goals. Collect them all on the Nitro Gamification Leaderboard trophy case.

HME Drive-Thru Leaderboard interface


Gamification creates multiple opportunities to recognize your team’s progress and achievements in real time. Reward your team with a pizza party or gift cards. Regardless of the prize you offer, competing for a prize takes the competition to the next level.

Smack Talk

Congratulate others, celebrate high performance, or playfully challenge opponents. Use a mobile device to send quick, fun messages to generate excitement and promote a stress-free restaurant culture.

Real-Time Feedback to Reach Your Goals

Stay focused with automated notifications that coach crews throughout the day, helping them reach their goals. Real-time feedback gives crews the information they need when they need it.

Game On!


Challenge Other Store Owners

Build up the excitement by inviting other store operators to join your competition on a combined Leaderboard. The pressure is on to determine who’s the top dog in your organization.

Make Competition Exciting for Everyone

Group high-performing stores to determine the overall champion or low-performing stores to make competition more evenly matched. Leaderboard competitions can be grouped any way you want.


Online Training for Ongoing Success

Looking to optimize your QSR operation? We can help.


1 Medium — https://medium.com/swlh/how-gamification-in-the-workplace-impacts-employee-productivity-a4e8add048e6

2 Qualdratics — https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/employee-experience-stats/